miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008


Several fields of application

3nine’s technology offers many advantages in performance and it can be scaled for wide ranges of flow and purification demands. This means that the technology can be applied in many different fields. 3nine’s technology is admirably suitable for application in fields that combine large quantities of contamination with stringent demands for purification, including the purification of small particles. 3nine has focussed on three areas of application for its new technology: manufacturing industry, heating plants, and the food processing industry.


For more than one hundred years, conical discs have been used to improve centrifugal separation of liquids.

3nine has implemented this technology in air and particle separation. The separation technology is well known and it works exactly the same for air as for liquids. Separation and draining of the separated particles demands new ideas and solutions.

3nine has several leading researchers within centrifugal separation, leading to several new patents on separation solutions and rotor construction. In the past few years, current and past 3nine researchers have produced 40% of the world’s patents in centrifugal separation.
3nine is therefore today’s world leader in these areas.

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