miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008


Now, a new important contract for RIVI: 4 API 614 LOS to lubricate the bearing of Boiler Feed Water Pumps in the fertilizer plant of QAFCO 5.

We are currently involved in the design and previous documentation.

Readers ! if you need more information about API 614 Lube Oil Systems, contact inmediatly with RIVI. We are really glad to receive your questions,

or.... input a commentary in my news to share ours experiences.

Remember e-mails: fernando.bagues@rivi.net or fbv1512@gmail.com

Thanks for your collaboration !

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008


A new delivery of LOS for an important Pumps manufacturer have been supplied by RIVI.
In this case, the final destination for these lube oil systems is a Power Plant in Kuwait, Az Zour, which is contracted by Siemens Power Generation.
The application of the oil systems, constructed in accordance with ANSI, API, etc is the lubrication of bearings of Boiler Feed Water Pumps and Motor.
Each system supply 40 lts/min of ISO VG 32 oil. A tank made of carbon steel and rest of lubrication components mounted on top, to cool and filter (25 microns) the oil, and control the pressure and temperature.
Four pressure switches are installed to alarm for Low pressure, trip the auxiliary pump, High pressure, and Low Low pressure.
An ultrasonic (vibration) sensor is installed to control minimum level of oil in the tank.
A differential pressure switch controls the filter element saturation.
You can see the pictures, to check the previous design, and final manufacturing of the LOS.
Please, send your suggestions or inquiries to fernando.bagues@rivi.net

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008


A new lube oil system have been designed in the technical department of RIVI, for Sinopec Project, sited in China. In this case, the lube oil units are going to be manufactured to lubricated the bearings of Main Boiler Feed Water Pumps, driven by Steam Turbines, according to API 611.
Then, the design of LOS have been in compliance with the API 611, chapter referred about lubrication. Powder of BFW is 1.500 Kw.

Flow needed for the bearings of the pump, gear box and steam turbine is 95 lts/min. Power dissipated 37 kw.

As you can see in the pictures, our technical department develops the complete performance with 3D tools.

Lube Oil System will be manufactured on Stainless Steel. Piping quality Sch 40. For the rest of the components, you can check the data-sheets as follow:


to know anythingelse about our capacities and suggestions on API lubrication systems, please, send me an e-mail to fernando.bagues@rivi.net

Thanks for your attention, one more time.

I await your comments !

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008


A new project to lubricate the bearings of High Pressure pump and Driver is being designed for the Chinesse Company Sinopec. In this case, an API 614, chapter 1 & 3 with a flow rate for ISO VG 32 oil, 50 lts/min, is needed. The lube oil system include the following characteristics:

- Oil reservoir made of AISI 304, designed in accordance to the definition of the levels included in API 614 (amplianced to chapter 2, to provide more safety).

You can link directly with the datasheets of the components.

- Weld pad level gage, type UWR.

Nowadays the system is still manufacturing in RIVI work-shop, and it will be delivered the next January.

For further questions about API 614 systems, contact me in fernando.bagues@rivi.net

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008


RIVI is congratulated to wellcome to the company ITALPRORAMAR as a new dealer in the Italian Market. We are proud to work with them, because they have an excellent history providing different solutions for naval, power and oil&gas customers. It´s a very good chance to introduce our lube oil systems, and other fluid solutions.

I would like to introduce our new partner. I wish you a lot of success in our new venture.

ITALPRORAMAR has been established in Genova in 1973 by Mr. Antonino Guarrera, together with a Group of Shipchandlers from the major ports of Italy.
The project was very innovative and ambitious for these times, and had the aim to supply the Ship with an omogeneous offer in everyone of these Harbours.
Unfortunately a "network frame" project like this one did not have the necessary "tools", like fax and e-mail, in order to be successfully managed, and so the other parners gradually left, leaving to the Genoa Office all commercial activity.
A number of very well known Sales representatives have then been achieved during the years, not only for the marine field but also in maintenance and lubrication of Gas Turbines.
A stock for marine lubricants has been established in Genoa, today covering Italian Area, South of France and Malta.
Since the very beginning the environmental theme has been carefully followed and developed, so promoting anti-pollution advanced equipments and only biodegradable chemicals, no-toxic for the human beings.
Now we are also involved in LUBE OIL SYSTEMS (acc. API 610, API 614, API 611...), Safety, selling lifeboats, escaping devices for ferries and fire doors.
Spare parts for engines and various machineries are sold from selected alternative sources, in order to provide the Ship with the best price/quality value.
Last but not least, we are supplying aluminium panels and complete prefabricated block for passangers ships, and also complete superstructures and helidecks, all built throught the Friction Stir Welding innovative technology, for which we are the sole representative in Italy.

Many thank ITALPRORAMAR for your work, and your trust.

For further information in Italy, you can contact to info@italproramar.com or sales@italproramar.com, Ms. Carmelita Guarrera and Mr. Roberto Roggero.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008


Fantastics news for RIVI ... and KYTOLA.
The lube oil manufacturer, and dealer in Spain of Lincoln (most famous grease metering/pumping manufacturer), has now a new agreement with KYTOLA, to sale, distribute, and promote the whole range of product in Spain. KYTOLA is considered as a leader in the world on flowmeter systems for oil, and seals water.

Kytola Oy located in Muurame, Finland is a manufacturer and marketer of flow metering and monitoring instruments. Key applications are found in the pulp and paper, mining, steel, chemical and agricultural industries. The company is a leading manufacturer of oil lubrication and sealing water monitors.
Kytola's products are mainly designed to help detect excess consumption of water, oil, air or other mediums. We apply the most modern manufacturing methods in our production and all manufacturing by-products are always recycled according to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard.
Production is guided by ISO 9001:2000 quality system which covers product development, research, production, sales and marketing.

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008


RIVI has delivered this week 10 lube oil systems to be assembled on HP Feed Pump skid, with final destination Sea Water Plant in Israel.

The systems incorporate all of necesary for a correct control of oil pressure and oil temperature to lubricate bearings:

- Level switch with integral LED visualization.
- Safety temperature switch integrated in the electrical heater.
- Temperature indicator and thermocouple after cooler.
- Pressure gauges with manifolds installed after the oil motor-pumps and outlet installation.
- Two pressure switches to alarm (low pressure alarm & trip alarm).

Other main characteristics are screw pumps (MOP and AOP) with safety valves. Working flow rate is 52 lts/min. Useful volumen in tank is 350 lts of ISO VG 46 lubrication oil.

Besides, oil-water cooler, shell-on-tube type, is prepared to cool oil with sea water, due to copper alloy tubes.

All the connections are according to ASME B16.5. Pipe is in accordance with ASME B31.1, with SCH 40 quality.

Test perfomance and inspections was made respect to our RIVI Standards, CE Marked.

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008


Dear readers,

I would like to show you how manufacture one of our last lube oil systems.

It is part of one "big size lube oil unit". It can supply 140 m3/hour of OIL for lubrication.

For more information, send an e-mail : comercial@rivi.net

Thanks for your visit.


RIVI developers and designers of our Lube Oil Systems can give to our customers an important previous information with 3D drawings, and they are considered helped in the planification of Pipe Outlines, obtaining all the details about sizes and cotes necesaries to implant the piping and tubing.

We show you some of our 3D projects.

For more information you can send an e-mail to fernando.bagues@rivi.net

or insert your comment in this news.


RIVI are going to deliver for the next week more Lube Oil Systems. In this case, the machine include an oil heater system consist on:

- Electrical Heaters, calculated for the proper heat transfer to increase the temperature of oil inside the tank, and go down the viscosity (very important for the start-ups, because the oil is usually too cold).
- Thermal Oil Reservoir.
- Thermowells for heaters containing Thermal Oil.
- Shut-off valves and tubing (stainless steel).

Through this system, the temperature is transferred smoothly, more equilibrate and uniformly.

The lube oil system shows in the picture is going to install for lubricate a Pilger Machine in an important Pipe Manufacture.
You can find more information in this catalogue: http://www.rivi.net/aplicaciones/Oil_Circulation_Systems.pdf
or contact here with your comments.

lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

RIVI manufacture 3off L.O.S. FOR POWER PLANT PUMPS

We are happy in RIVI for the next deliver of Lube Oil Systems (3 units) manufacturing according to API and more requirements. L.O.S. are going to assemble for BOOSTER PUMPS, and STARTUP BOILER FEEDWATER PUMPS, and final destination will be a Power Plant in U.S.A.

This units are accomplished to:

- ASME 16.5, Pipes Flanges ANSI 150 lbs.
- ASME B16.34 for threaded elements.
- ASME B16.11, Forges Steel Fittings, Socket Welding.
- ASME B16.25, Buttwelding Ends.
- ASME IX for weldings and weld procedures qualifications.

The systems include:

- Pressure switches, pressure gages and flow indicator for the discharge oil lubrication.
- A differential pressure indicating for each duplex oil filter.
- Lube Oil Piping have been constructed of Type AISI 316L.
- The lube oil cooler have been constructed of AISI 316.
- Wiring and conduit have been constructed in accordance with UL and NFPA.

If you wish more information about Lube Oil Systems for Pumps (Boiler Feed Water Pumps, API 610 pumps, etc), please, send an e-mail to fernando.bagues@rivi.net

jueves, 24 de julio de 2008

API 682 - API PLAN 52

RIVI presents and launches to the international market new solutions for Seals Plans API 52 and API 53A, in accordance with API 682.

If you need some information, contact to fernando.bagues@rivi.net.

We can offer to your company High Quality and Economical prices.

miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008


Nuestros amigos de Olaer nos envían esta información:

OLAER-OILTECH IBÉRICA, S.A.U. es una Empresa fundada en 1969, miembro del grupo del mismo nombre, dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de productos para el sector industrial:
-OLH- Componentes hidráulicos, Acumuladores hidroneumáticos a vejiga, membrana y piston, Intercambiadores de calor aire o agua, Filtración, Control, Refrigeradores industriales de agua y aceite, Actuadores, Motobombas...
-AGUA- Acumuladores hidroneumáticos para antipulsaciones o antiariete propios del sector

Disponemos de un archivo en el que se muestran TODAS las aplicaciones de acumuladores para la industria. Puedes verlo en este link: http://www.olaer.es/index.php?id_seccio_menu=5#

Fabricantes como RIVI confían en el producto Olaer para la instalación de los mismos en sus sistemas de lubricación avanzada.

Seguiré informando de más noticias de nuestros colaboradores.


Hy-Pro Low Spark Discharge filter elements are now available to combat turbine lube oil varnish. Contact us about filter elements for GE Frame 7 turbines or any other application where element sparking is causing problems. For more information visit our product pages then click on filter element upgrades.
Hy-Pro is proud to announce the release of coalesce skids for turbine oil and diesel fuel applications. For more information visit our product pages and click fluid conditioning equipment.
Element Upgrade Interchange Guide February 2008 is the most current version of the element interchange guide to be used when upgrading to Hy-Pro from other manufacturers. Fluid Contamination Solutions Catalog 1.1 Jan 2008 is the latest Hy-Pro catalog of equipment, filter assemblies, off-line skids, and more. For all the information available in one small package request a CD.
Attend one of our Distributor training schools at Hy-Pro Filtration in Fishers, Indiana and learn about contamination & filtration basics plus advanced total system cleanliness strategies to implement at the user level. Upcoming classes:
April 21~25, 2008 (currently full, waiting list available)
October 10~13, 2008
Additional training schools will be added as needed.


Several fields of application

3nine’s technology offers many advantages in performance and it can be scaled for wide ranges of flow and purification demands. This means that the technology can be applied in many different fields. 3nine’s technology is admirably suitable for application in fields that combine large quantities of contamination with stringent demands for purification, including the purification of small particles. 3nine has focussed on three areas of application for its new technology: manufacturing industry, heating plants, and the food processing industry.


For more than one hundred years, conical discs have been used to improve centrifugal separation of liquids.

3nine has implemented this technology in air and particle separation. The separation technology is well known and it works exactly the same for air as for liquids. Separation and draining of the separated particles demands new ideas and solutions.

3nine has several leading researchers within centrifugal separation, leading to several new patents on separation solutions and rotor construction. In the past few years, current and past 3nine researchers have produced 40% of the world’s patents in centrifugal separation.
3nine is therefore today’s world leader in these areas.

lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

API 676 Oil Pumps for lubrication

PCX Series is SEIM answer to demand by the market requiring pumps for low / medium pressure lube circuits which accomplish. API676 II ed rules.

These PCX Series pumps feature jacket (standard made from carbon steel, other materials upon request) and ANSI IN/OUT ports (DIN upon request)

PCX Series is versatile, thanks to inlet port available both axial or radial and is capable to satisfy most of demands in lube applications.
Further options are available, like execution for high viscosity fluids or noise suppression due to air bubbles entrapped in the pumped fluid. Further customization (e.g.: pumpm foot) make PCX Series another succesfull SEIM Product.

Components by leading World manufacturer’s (like the mechanical seal – but not limited too!) and a 100% internal shop test on manufactured pumps (either API or VDMA specifications), grant to the end user a long term and reliable duty for SEIM pumps.

PCX Series also includes all benefits in using a three screw pumps made by SEIM:
low noise level
extremely low pulsations by the pumped fluid
high priming capability (self priming)
optimal performances even with fluid with entrapped air
no pollutant release in the pumped media
low maintenance required
Pump supply can be completed by including baseplate (also conform to API rules), as well as coupling with spacer and coupling guard, electrical motor by leading manufacturer (also Atex execution).

Lube systems for:
· speed reducers and variators
· turbines

viernes, 18 de julio de 2008


La pasada semana la compañía RIVI suministró un equipo completo para lubricación de reductores en una importante compañía siderurgica situada en el país vasco. El sistema, compuesto de tanque de aceite de 12.000 lts y sistema de bombeo de 660 lts/min, integraba un perfecto sistema de prefiltración de aceite en la zona de retorno, de 200 micras y placa de calmado para favorecer la desaireación y eliminar turbulencias indeseadas en la zona de control de nivel y aspiración de bombas. Las bombas de husillos (2+1) para suministro de aceite lubricante y el conjunto de componentes para control de temperatura y presión del sistema, fueron ensamblados en bancada de acero carbono separada del depósito principal.


This is a new way to help, suggest, and let us know new ideas to improve and solve problems in rotary systems, about oil cooling and lubrication.

Wellcome to my lube blog.

My name is Fernando, but you can use my nick name "Fer". Let´s go to share our experiences and needings.

Besides, I´m working in the company RIVI, with a lot of people working in this specific market. We can give you solutions, together.


Esta es una nueva forma de ayudar, sugerir y darnos nuevas ideas apra mejorar y resolver problemas en refrigeración y lubricación de sistemas rotativos.

Bienvenidos a mi nuevo "blog de lubricación".

Mi nombre es Fernando, pero puedes usar mi nick-name (alias) "Fer". Vamos a compartir nuestras experiencias y necesidades.

Ademas, trabajo en la compañía RIVI, con un montón de gente trabajando en este mercado específico. Juntos podemos darte soluciones.


Thanks a lot for your collaboration / Gracias por vuestra colaboración.