domingo, 24 de abril de 2011


G.T.RIVI was contracted by an important japanese pump constructor for manufacturing the lube oil systems of two boiler feed water pumps and motors. The final destination is Navoi Power Station in Uzbekistan. The lubrication system have been supplied on December 2010.

Spain’s Initec was the awarder of tender of the Uzbekenergo state joint-stock company to modernize Navoi thermoelectric power station with the cost of 450 million euros.

In line with the competition terms, Initec will construct combined-cycle plant at the Navoi station with the capacity of 477 megawatt. The project was started in the fourth quarter of 2009.
The project will be financed due to the resources of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan and own resources of Uzbekenergo, reported.
Modernization of Navoi thermoelectric power station will provide electricity to Navoi free industrial and economic zone.
Navoi thermoelectric power station was built in 1963 for energy supply of Kyzylkum region. It is one of the largest power stations in Central Asia. Its capacity is equal to 1,250 megawatt.
Uzbekistan power system has 42 power stations, including 11 thermoelectric power stations with the total capacity of 9,870 megawatt and 31 hydro power stations with the capacity of 1,700 megawatt.

The country produces 48 million K.W.H. of electricity a year. About 77% of total electricity produced at the thermoelectric power stations.

The lube oil systems for pumps what provides water to boilers have been designed in accordance with customer preferences. The system is drop in type, that means is included on pump skid. The main characterstics are:
- Flow rate of oil pumps : 90 lpm
- Outlet pressure : 1.5 barg
- Temperature of oil supplied : 45ºC
- Heat Exchanger is CuNi 90/10 tubes (water-oil tube&sheet type), inlet temperature of water 31.5ºC
- Main oil pump is shaft-driven, auxiliary pump is motor driven (3 kW)
- Level transmitter for oil level control into the tank
- Filtration degree is 100 microns
- A differential pressure transmitter monitors the clogging level in the filter
- Temperature control by indicators and thermostats are capilar type.
- Pressure switches (Cella PCM2 type) control the outlet pressure in the header
- Quality of materials in Carbon Steel (tank, oil piping) and SS316 for instrumentation tubing
- A panel gauge is installed in the operator side for an easily visualitation of all parameters of lube oil system

In G.T.RIVI we are glad and proud to share our experience and quality for Japanese market, in a very competitive sector.

4 comentarios:

  1. We are a Professional Turnkey Project Management company. We supply plants and machinery for Lube Oil Blending Plant, Grease Manufacturing Plant, and various other Petrochemical Industries. On the other hand, , we have got expertise in different plants such as Cooking Gas Cylinder mfg. Blow Moulding plant, etc.
    We have supplied plants and Machinery around the globe such as Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, North America, etc lube oil plant

  2. We are a Professional Turnkey Project Management company. We supply plants and machinery for Lube Oil Blending Plant, Grease Manufacturing Plant, and various other Petrochemical Industries. On the other hand, we have got expertise in different plants such as Cooking Gas Cylinder mfg. Blow Moulding plant, etc.
    We have supplied plants and Machinery around the globe such as Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, North America, etc Lube Oil Blending Industry

  3. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information Lube Oil Blending

  4. We are a Professional Grease Manufacturing Plant Management company. We supply plants and machinery for Lube Oil Blending Plant, Grease Manufacturing Plant, and various other Petrochemical Industries.
